Plant & Resource Sales
Supporting your conservation efforts!

About Spring & Fall Plant Sales
Each spring and fall the Conservation District sells a variety of trees, shrubs, wildflowers and prairie grasses which are intended for conservation uses, such as:
- Reforestation
- Soil erosion control
- Windbreaks and screens
- Wildlife habitat improvements
- Landscaping naturalizing
Both individual species and plant packets or garden kits are offered, in addition to planting aids to support your planting efforts. Generally the following types of trees and plants are offered:
- Conifer seedlings and transplants (pines & spruces)
- Hardwoods (oaks, maples, etc.)
- Wildlife shrubs (elderberry, red osier dogwood, lilac, etc.)
- Fruit Trees (apples, cherry, peach, pear)
- Berry plants (blackberries, raspberries)
- Native wildflower plants (Aster, Black-eyed Susan, etc.)
- Native prairie grass plants (Big Bluestem, Indian grass, etc.)
- Tree shelters, tree stakes, weed mats, Plantskydd repellents, marking flags, fertilizer tablets, root dip
Note: specific species and varieties vary from sale to sale.
When is the next plant sale?
Volunteers Needed!
All of our Plant & Resource Sales events' operations rely on the support of many volunteers to be successful.
Latest Plant Sale Updates:
Planting Guides & Resources
Learn more about species selection, planting guides, maintenancence and protection recommendations!
Looking for more Native plant & Tree sales?
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Find local nurseries & Suppliers:
More resources on the Native Plants resources page.
- Wildtype Native Plant Nursery
- Designs By Nature, LLC
- Windy Rock Farm - Plants with Purpose
- Native Restoration Solutions
- Feral Flora, LLC
- Ypsilanti Native Plant Nursery
- BetterFinds LLC
Seeking native plant landscaping?
See the Native Plants and Habitat Restoration Services Contractor List!
Questions? Ask us!
Doug Reith
Resource Specialist