


Washtenaw County Conservation District

wccd board

Fiscal Year Budgets

The proposed budget will be presented to the Washtenaw County Conservation District (WCCD) Board for final approval at the regular monthly meeting in September at 7:00 p.m. The fiscal year runs from October 1-September 30. The public is invited to comment on the proposed budget at this time. 

FY2025 Budget

FY2024 Budget

FY2023 Budget

FY2022 Budget

Monthly Bills and Expenses

See our reports with the itemization of our monthly expenditures

Annual Reports

We provide annual reports overviewing our programs and projects. These reports also highlight our accomplishments, conservation awards and partnerships.

See the Annual Reports

Audit Reports

The Washtenaw County Conservation District completes a bi-annual audit of financial statements of  governmental activities. A compilation is completed in the years in which an audit is not.

See the Audit Reports

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests

Freedom of Information requests, guidelines, and procedures. See the link for more information:

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests

Michigan Conservation Districts Operations Manual

Michigan’s Conservation District Operations Manual has been developed to fulfill the need for directors and employees to have a handbook that focuses on major personnel issues, highlights Michigan’s specific rules and regulations, provides guidance on district operations and planning, and is easy to use. Obviously not all personnel issues are addressed, and not all issues are discussed in depth.

Michigan Conservation Operations Manual (PDF)
