Spring Tree & Shrub Sale: Volunteer!

The Washtenaw Conservation District's Spring Tree & Shrub Sale distribution event is supported by the efforts of many volunteers. Volunteers help set-up, plant sorting and prepacking orders, and getting orders to customers. It's a fun way to learn the plants and meet the community of growers.

All shifts take place the week before and the week of the Spring Tree & Shrub Sale event at the Washtenaw County Farm Council Grounds:
5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 
We are always MOST in need of volunteers on Saturday. So please support us by taking a Saturday shift if you're interested!

Learn more about the Spring Tree & Shrub Sale

Volunteer Opportunities & Incentives:

Volunteers get early access to pre-sales and can pick up their orders early at the distributions at the end of their shift. Some shifts happen before we have the plants, so those volunteers are welcome to return to pick-up their plants early.

Would you like to volunteer with the other WCCD events? 
​If you can't join this event, Sign up to Get Involved to receive updates on other upcoming opportunities. 

Volunteer Shift Sign-up:

During the sign-up period, you can sign-up on the form below for one or more shifts. We will follow up with all volunteers with final details in advance of the event. 
For questions, assistance in signing up for shifts, or if you'd like to change your shifts, Contact our Volunteer Coordinator: volunteer@washtenawcd.org or 734.302.8715
