2021 SCHG Recipients

School & Community Habitat Grant

2021 Award Recipients


2021 was the inaugural year for the School & Community Habitat Grant, administered by Washtenaw County Conservation District.  

PlantWise Native Landscapes & Ecological Restoration partnered with WCCD to conduct design planning and provide technical expertise for the awarded projects.


The total awards for all projects included plant materials over $2000 at wholesale cost, and $2500 in consultation support, both funded by individual donations and the WCCD contributions. Individual donations went a long way for these community organizations to restore and create native plant habitats and educational opportunities, please consider donating to sustain this grant into the future:

donate to Support Local Habitat Projects

Many of these great organizations are looking for more volunteer support, either for labor, plant expertise or to share their vision. If you're interested to get involved with a project, please reach out to their organization.

Our 2021 Awardee organizations are mapped above.  WCCD would love to see more applications throughout the county! 
