The Ypsilanti Community Middle School was one of the 2022 School & Community Habitat Grant awardees.
Primary Goals
The main goals of the project were to:
- Provide a safe and accessible space for students to engage with and learn about nature, wildlife, and native plants,
- Bolster school pride, and
- Increase wildlife habitat.
Project Overview/Timeline
- Courtyard Design/Plan
- March/April/May
- Invasive Species Treatments
- 2 during July/August
- Volunteer Workday with Lotus Gardenscapes
- 09/09/2023: Site grading, debris removal
- UM SEAS MLA Student Workdays
- 10/6/2023: Weeding, fine grading, seeding, erosion control blanketing, mulching trails, stump seating
- 10/13/2023: Plant install, mulching trails

The project faced multiple challenges, including: staff turnover, under funding, weather, miscommunications with facility staff, and minimal volunteer effort from the school community. However, the WCCD staff lead was able to engage U-M SEAS MLA students to assist with courtyard design and then final installation of materials. The WCCD also contracted Lotus Gardenscapes to perform the invasive species treatment and Lotus volunteered a Saturday of staff time, equipment, and skill. Monroe’s Rubbish donated a dumpster to haul away debris and Denali, who runs Ann Arbor’s compost facility, donated 10 CY of woodships and 10 CY of compost. The WCCD staff lead transported logs donated by Legacy Land Conservancy from a nearby nature preserve (which were treated with a 10% bleach solution to prevent the spread of disease) and are being used for stump seating.
Future Maintenance & Use
The YCMS purchased a hose and sprinkler system with timer to water this fall (if needed) and next growing season. The UM SEAS MLA students are planning to follow-up with a maintenance plan as well as additional planting plans for the remaining portion of the courtyard.