The Rain Garden project at the We The People Opportunity Farm was a 2022 Habitat Grant Awardee.

Project: Native Plants for We The People Opportunity Farm educational rain garden and pollinator habitat at the Grace Fellowship Church
Authored by: Kate Levin
Primary Goals of the Project
The main purpose of the grant was to provide native plants in the form of plugs for a rain garden for WTPOF; a nonprofit organization dedicated to breaking the cycle of incarceration in Washtenaw county by investing in the employment and development of formerly incarcerated men and women through farming and community engagement. Rain water would run off a large parking lot into the farm, causing erosion and destruction of crops. The rain garden was a project with The Water Resources Commission of Washtenaw County to plan, construct and install a rain garden to redirect the run-off and absorb it, so that it filters into the groundwater. The rain garden will provide a habitat for pollinators and birds, as well as a lovely natural area for WTPOF, their visitors and volunteers, and for the congregation of Grace Fellowship Church. Educational signs will inform the community of the purpose and value of rain gardens. The signs will also provide education regarding the value of native plants within a rain garden and the role of native plants and pollinators in supporting our food and water shed as well as our ecosystem.

Project Overview & Timeline:
The planning for this project began in the winter/spring of 2022. The design of the rain garden was considered, elaborated, and extended and a company was sought to design the garden as well as one to do the construction and initial seeding. It became clear that design and construction for the project would extend into 2023 due to the time needed to engage companies to do this work. The construction and initial seeding took place in the first half of 2023. Thanks to the support and flexibility of WCCD, the native plant plugs were obtained from Feral Flora right in time for the planting day on September 23, 2023. Planting day was a great success! 700 native plants were installed by volunteers from many organizations and neighborhoods throughout Washtenaw County.

Successes & Challenges
Planting day was a joyful event! Volunteers and folks from many different groups and places came to help. Melvin Parson and his interns and staff from WTPOF were changing the soil by planting native plants. Pastor Powell of the Grace Fellowship Church and volunteers from his congregation came out to plant. The EMU Sierra Club worked enthusiastically and neighbors of WTPOF and Grace Fellowship Church came to contribute their efforts. Volunteers from the Master Rain Garden program pitched in with their expertise. Ypsilanti City Council Member Desirae Simmons came to help out and brainstorm ideas with Water Resources Commissioner Evan Pratt. Catie Wytychak, Water Quality Specialist of the Water Resources Office organized and orchestrated the event. The weather was perfect. 700 native plant plugs were installed. Countless connections and conversations took place among the folks at the event, that may lead to new possibilities for more sustainable human and natural communities. The one challenge was the timing. It was not possible to have the planting day in the same calendar year as the grant was awarded.

Plans for the future: Maintenance & Use
Water Resources staff will lead the WTPOF interns in doing maintenance on a monthly basis after the garden is built. Water is available from the church and has been used before by WTPOF. A team of WTPOF staff and interns, volunteers for WTPOF and Water Resources, an active church board, and staff from Water Resources are all working together on this project. As challenges arise, this large and dedicated team will meet them.