Tom and Marti Burbeck were recently MAEAP verified in their Farmstead and Cropping systems. They have established a cascading orchard with apple, pear and cherry trees along the slopes near their home. Carved out of the hillside and planted in earthen berms, water is carefully controlled through a series of swales and overflow drains until they reach a pond at the bottom of the slope. Pesticides are not a part of the regiment at Beacon Springs Farm and fertilizer is only added sparingly around the trees as they begin to establish themselves. Though the orchard is young, the Burbecks have already begun planting gooseberries and blueberries on the other slope by their home.
In the long-run Tom and Marti hope to manage the rest of their lands by having a Land Management Plan written and have intentions of introducing livestock to their operation.
Their farming aims to be as regenerative to the land as their home, only the second building in the world to be Living Certified in the Living Building Certified. Learn more about Beacon Springs Farm by checking out their website: