Woodbine Farm is an equine event center owned and operated by Sari Clapperton. The first equine center in the county to be verified in any system, Woodbine Farm was recently verified in its Farmstead and Livestock operations. The center hosts Dressage and Hunter Jumper events. The number of horses at these events can range from 40 to 120. Due to COVID-19, this year has been a difficult year for equine centers and Woodbine Farms is no exception. However, after receiving approval from their association and the state, Woodbine Farm is able to host events once again without spectators and temperature checks prior to entering the property. Sari and manager Don Lewis are confident though that MAEAP will show riders and their neighbors Woodbine’s commitment to protecting the environment on and around the center. If you want to find out more about Woodbine Farm, please check out their website: https://www.woodbinefarms.com/.