By Tracie Csomos, Washtenaw County Resident
As with most I to am finding many new ways to enjoy my property. I live in the woods on 5 acres and I have 1 acre of nothing but flower gardens. I have over 100 different types of hosts, ferns etc. I so enjoy tending to the garden but this last 5 months I've had more time on my hands and decided to try a vegetable garden.
My husband and son built 4 raised beds and we had to strategically place them in the yard where they could get enough sun light. We put in tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower and lots of herbs.
My yard is a certified wildlife area and my passion is bird watching . I have warblers, grosebeaks, summer and scarlet tanager, orieols , downey, hairy and red belly wood packers. So we decided to start building a screened in room a little farther in the woods to see what other types of birds we can enjoy.
I hope others find peace in their yards during this difficult time that we are all experiencing. Nature is so good for the soul.