Our 77th Annual Celebration put a bow on what was a memorable 2024. Thank you to everyone that was able to join us for an evening of music, awards, local food, and mingling. This event would not be possible without the hard work of staff, volunteers, members of the community, and partner organizations throughout the year.
Bridget O'Brien of Garden Juju Collective and Gateway Farm shared her experiences with permaculture and rewilding during the keynote presentation.
Attendees were treated to culinary excellence provided by Chef Keith Sexton of Harvest Kitchen.
Our yearly awards were distributed to these dedicated conservationists:
Distinguished Service Award- Megan DeLeeuw
Volunteer of the Year Award- Maren Sande
Small Conservation Farmer of the Year Award- Kim Bayer
Tree Conservationist of the Year Award- Terry and Sheila Calhoun
"Walter Wolfgang Memorial" Conservation Farmer of the Year Award- The Henes Family
We welcomed the newest members of our board of directors, Brandon Henes and Patricia Denig, who were elected by Washtenaw residents during the celebration!
Taking this time to reflect on and celebrate the last year of service helps to put into focus our mission of assisting residents and landowners with the conservation, management, and wise use of natural resources in Washtenaw County moving forward.
Stay up to date on all the happenings from your conservation district by visiting our website at washtenawcd.org